The Franchise Academy - Your Partner in Franchise Consulting & Marketing
The Franchise Academy is a Private Equity Firm with holdings in emerging brands positioned for hyper-growth. We provide franchise consulting services to service the business development needs of these brands under contract, operating in the capacity of Chief Development Officer. Our team oversees and delivers results in Franchise Recruitment, Real Estate Development, and Consumer Packaged Goods. Additionally, we offer consulting for Local Store Marketing and act as a General Advisor to the brand.
At The Franchise Academy, we source brands poised for hyper-growth. Through our expert franchise consulting, we conduct an in-depth analysis to determine market opportunities in Canada and the U.S. We develop the profile of ideal franchisee candidates and craft the most efficient recruitment strategy. Additionally, we establish banking relations to facilitate franchise financing.
Our team:
- Solicits the real estate community and managing the site selection process for both traditional and non-traditional opportunities.
- Solicits CPG distribution opportunities and obtaining shelf space for the brands product line.
- Serves as an advisor to the Franchisor on all other matters.
- Serves on the board either as an advisor or with a seat.
- Works with franchisees on LSM.
- All work is done with full exclusivity to the Franchise Academy and the exclusivity is reciprocated for the brand category.
The Franchise Academy is ideally suited for companies with 30+ locations and 10 more signed and preparing to open. We specialize in supporting qualified franchisors ready for hyper-growth through expert franchise consulting services. Our focus is on brands with strong unit economics and opportunities for improvement. Ideally, companies with a strong track record of momentum being built and valid Canadian/U.S. FDD are protective of both banking and landlord relationships. Most importantly you have high franchisee validation with a balanced sales:investment ratio.
The Franchise Academy has an average transaction count of 40–60 net new locations per year per brand. As a leading Canadian franchise consultant, we recruit higher-quality franchisees who increase same-store sales and secure premium locations, elevating the overall profile of franchise systems. We foster greater community involvement by franchisees while building a strategic plan for franchise growth with clear direction and structure. Your team gains a Chief Development Officer with a proven track record of success, bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table.
The Franchise Academy works with brands from Canada and the U.S. on an exclusive basis across North America. We also expand our brands overseas on a non-exclusive basis.
Outsourced Chief Development Officer
At The Franchise Academy we operate in the capacity of the Chief Development Officer of your company. This gets you fractional ownership with full time results. By training and setting up yourin house team for success, we create a legacy for our partners that pays for years into the future.
Our Process for Hyper-Growth
Our highly disciplined and structured process for hyper-growth becomes part of your daily operations. Our recruitment tools improve the capital position and experience in your franchisees. Setting clear expectations and boundaries with the franchisees we recruit have had a significant improvement on AUV’s for the brands we are partnered with.
Our Roadmap to Success
We engage all in house stakeholders for buy in, campaign for internal support and keep your brand on track for achieving hyper-growth throughout North America. The brands we work with see high multiples on valuation and, strong exits through the use of our roadmaps to success.